Sometimes Life Takes Over...

So, as  you may know I have not posted for a while now. And the only reason I have for that, is that there has been a LOT going on in my personal life.

If you follow my Twitter (@DCateland, shameless self promo!) you may know that I was involved in a car accident on Monday. Luckily, everyone is okay and only came away with whiplash. That was actually the day that I planned to sit down and write up and schedule a few posts for you, but I really didn't feel up to doing that with my injuries. 

Also, there has been a few productions I have been involved in, where I played the role of Ariel, The Little Mermaid. I LOVED  this make-up look so much that I just had to post a picture of it!

Then, today I took my theory test, which I have been revising for, for a few weeks now. Luckily all that hard work has paid off and I passed! Bad news is, my A-Level mock exams are coming up in the next few weeks, so I won't be able to fully devote myself to blogging until the end of June. Instead of sticking to a schedule, i'm just going to post, as and when I can for a while.

I have so many posts lined up, and im currently working on a huge budget prom look! I don't ever want to stop posting completely , because blogging is something I love, and I love the interaction I have with all my readers. But sometimes, other things have to take a priority. 

Hope you all understand.


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