
Hi! Thank you so much for reading my blog! Even if you have no idea how you ended up here... thank you haha!

I want my blog to be a place where I can share my thoughts and feelings without feeling like everyone is judging me. I'll be writing mainly about beauty and lifestyle, which may include product reviews, food recipes and tips etc. Or anything that you want to read, i'll write!

The 'shop' icon in the navigation bar is where you will find any items I have talked about in my blog, ready to buy if you wish!

I thought to get started I would answer a few questions, so you can get to know the person behind this blog. Some I was asked on twitter and some I've taken from online! 

Question 1: Do you have any pets? Yes! I have a Pug called Jax who has just turned two!
Question 2: Have you ever been to a different country? I've only ever been out of the UK once, which was to go to Paris, France for a week. It was a beautiful country, except the food. I'm a huge food lover and french food did not agree with me. So I survived on Disneyland fries, Oreo's and croissants for the whole week!
Question 3: How old will you be on your next birthday? I'll be 17 next January! FINALLY old enough to start driving, something I've been wanting to do for years!
Question 4: Do you play any sports? I used to do a lot of cross country running but for the past couple of years I have lost all interest in sports! I can guarantee you, i am the laziest person you will ever know. 
Question 5: What is your favourite subject? As i'm currently doing my A-Levels I only study 3 subjects; Literature, Sociology and History. But my favourite is definitely Literature. It always has been and always will be.
Question 6: If you could be any celebrity, who would it be and why? Without a doubt, Cheryl Fernandez-Versini. All my life I have grown up idolising Cheryl. Not because her life seems perfect (because no one's life is) or because she's pretty, but because to me, she is such a strong and independent woman. Something I aspire to be. Everything she has been through is enough to destroy some people, but she has come back stronger than ever! She follows my twitter and she's tweeted and messaged me a few times, which I am so grateful for! I just adore her!

Okay, so I hope I've answered enough questions for you to get to know me a little better! Feel free to leave any more questions below!Thank you so much for reading my first post and I cant wait to get more content up!

Lots of love
D x

1 comment

  1. Lovely first post! Can't wait to read more x
