Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016

I think its important to set resolutions, goals that you wish to achieve in the new year. I love having something to work towards and look forward to. I also love the feeling of achieving these things. I honestly don't think I've ever stuck to any resolutions i've made in the past, but if i write them down I'll be forced to haha!

Learn to drive!- I turn 17 in January which means I can finally start driving lessons! But i keep forgetting to apply for my provisional! So my first resolution is definitely to learn to drive. I'm so excited and I cant wait to get my license!

To stay more organised- I'm always forgetting homework and certain deadlines for college so i've bought myself a little diary where i can keep all important dates in there. Plus i've wrote down some blog post ideas for the future and when they're gonna be posted.

 ♥ To improve my memory!- Seems silly but my memory is terrible, hence why i keep forgetting to apply for my provisional! Or when I say I'll call someone back and then forget (sorry Megan). I don't know how i'm going to do this one, but I can work on it haha.

Not worry about what others think- I spent most of 2015 worrying about what people thought about me. I didn't do certain things as I thought people would think negatively of me. However since leaving secondary school I started to care less and I really want to carry on that attitude into this year.

Try and eat healthier snacks- I don't want to "eat healthier" because I know that is completely unrealistic and I will never do it. In 2015 I ate way too much crap. And its not my weight that i'm bothered about with this one, if anything I want to gain weight not loose it, and i've definitely learned that eating loads of chocolate and ridiculous amounts of sugar wont do that for me. I want to improve my general health. I want to try and eat an apple if I fancy a snack, rather than picking up another chocolate bar or ordering in a pizza. Of course i'm not going to cut chocolate or pizza completely out of my diet, because there's no way I would ever keep that up, nor would I want to do that, but I would occasionally like to try and eat a little bit healthier.

Blog More- Last year I didn't get round to blogging as much as I wanted to, so this year i'm going to blog as much as I physically can! It's something I love doing in my spare time and really want to carry it on this year.

Those are my personal little goals for this year. I'll enjoy looking back at this post on the 31st December 2016 and seeing how many of them I actually achieved!

      Don't forget to follow me on BlogLovin' to keep up to date with my posts! Once I hit 100 followers, i'll be doing a mini-giveaway!!

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