I Finally Found My Favourite Face Wash Again! (Review)

A couple of years ago I bought Olay's facial cleansing gel. For so long I loved using it and when it ran out, I couldn't find it anywhere. Until today. I was shopping in Superdrug and it was actually my mom who pointed it out. The packaging had changed so I completely didn't recognise it. I thought i'd give this a quick review for you!
I love this face wash because I can use it not only to clean my face, but also to remove my eye makeup. I'm quite a lazy person and can never be bothered to remove my makeup and then clean my face. I'd rather do it all together, so this is perfect! However it doesn't remove 100% of your makeup which is why I tend to use a bit of the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water after.

The actual gel is a clear colour and smells like cucumber and after using this your skin feels so fresh and clean.
I have found over time that some face cleansers can be really thick and clog my pores, causing me to break out even more. When I started using this a few years ago my skin had never looked better so I can't wait to start using this again!

I'm interested to know what face washes/gels you use and what you think of them! Let me know below!

Darriyan x

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