How To Stay Motivated

I know I know. It's that time of the year when we all go back to school, college or work and you find yourself loosing motivation. It happens to the best of us, and if it doesn't well, how do you do it?! I always find this happens to me. I have been back to college one day and I can already feel the motivation draining out of me. So today I thought I would help some of you out by sharing my top tips for staying motivated during this time of year!
In my opinion, this month is the worst. It usually involves starting college or school again, trying to get used to the weary, dark, early mornings like we once did many months ago (but actually, these months feel like years), and breaking into our new routine. I don't know about any of you, but already I have a mountain pile of college work lined up, and of course, this has to take priority. I know that a lot of people will struggle to find time or effort to write up a quick post for their blog, but if its something you really enjoy, its so important you try to fit it into your busy schedule!

#1- Remember what your goal is.
Now I'm not saying its all about the money, or saying you should use your blog as a get-rich-quick type thing. For me personally, my goal is to be able to be a full time blogger. There is nothing I enjoy more, so for me to maybe one day do this, or something similar as a career, keeps me so motivated to carry on. 

#2- Plan in advance.
Giving yourself a blog schedule is so important. If you leave everything to the last minute you can really be setting yourself back. You will have to decide what to write, take photos (which can't always be done last minute), and actually write the post all in one day, which for me is too stressful. I have a post lined up twice a week until new year, so every week I know exactly what is going up, at what time, and what photos I need ready. Trust me nothing makes my life more easier than following this tip. It could also help to buy some kind of planner, or write your own to-do list to keep check of things.

#3- Take Bulk Photos.
I know that sometimes I am not in the mood to get out my camera twice a week, set up all my props and backgrounds and take a photo. Because I know exactly what posts will be going up, this allows me to take all the photos I need to the week before. So they're all there ready for me.

#4-Respond to comments & interact with other bloggers.
This for me is the most rewarding part of blogging. i love reading feedback on my posts and seeing everyones opinions. This is always something that keeps me motivated. I also enjoy going over to other peoples blogs and leaving them comments. Seeing other peoples style of post and photos is something I love doing!

I also love twitter for doing this. Promoting on twitter is so easy, and again, it has allowed me to build up a community of bloggers that read my posts and visa versa. Join group chats full of bloggers, try and host twitter chats. Anything that helps you feel more involved in the blogging community! 
And yes, I am hosting the #GirlsOnlyChat on the 23rd September! Make sure you join me!

 #5- View your analytics-
Find out which posts work best for you. Theres nothing more demotivating than spending so long on a post, and not receiving as many comments or reads that you normally get. Don't write posts just because everyone else is doing them. You should always remember that you should write what you find enjoyable, and topics that you enjoy. Don't follow the crowd, it is your blog and your readers come back every week because of your personal writing style!

I really hope you find some of these tips useful. These are just a few tips that I try and follow to keep myself motivated. Let me know below what you do to try and stay motivated in the blogging department! 


Don't forget to follow me on BlogLovin' and share this post! Once I hit 500 I will be hosting a HUGE giveaway!!